language immersion preschool

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Arabic & Mandarin Immersion Preschool OPEN HOUSE

2021-08-23T16:32:45-04:00August 16th, 2021|

Arabic & Mandarin Chinese Immersion Preschool Open House in West Springfield at Lango Kids NV
Siblings, friends, and neighbors are welcome to join their preschool friends at Lango Kids Northern Virginia on Saturday, August 28 for our Arabic & Mandarin Immersion OPEN HOUSE. Come out and enjoy a fun morning of learning with Lango Kids’ amazing teachers! We know you will love it! This is an opportunity for students and families to stop by to meet teachers, see classrooms, and get a peek inside the school before the first day. Please plan to wear your mask inside.

Spanish & Arabic Preschool OPEN HOUSE

2021-08-16T17:50:44-04:00August 16th, 2021|

Spanish & Arabic Immersion Preschool Open House in West Springfield at Lango Kids NV
Siblings, friends, and neighbors are welcome to join their preschool friends at Lango Kids Northern Virginia on Saturday, August 21 for our first OPEN HOUSE this year. Come out and enjoy a fun morning of learning with Lango Kids’ amazing teachers! We know you will love it! This is an opportunity for students and families to stop by to meet teachers, see classrooms, and get a peek inside the school before the first day. Please plan to wear your mask inside.

Preschool Program 2022/2023 in Springfield, VA

2022-05-24T20:40:00-04:00March 8th, 2021|

Preschool Programs in West Springfield at Lango Kids NV Fun and play form the foundation for our preschooler’s foreign language classes. Kids ages 3-5 learn key phrases in their new language through simple, repeated songs and chants. Meanwhile, they become familiar with more complex aspects of the language by engaging in “adventures,” tactile and movement-based games that require them to solve simple problems – in their new language, of course!

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