Sunday Spanish & Arabic Language Classes at Lango Kids in Springfield, VA
Kids Ages 5-11 years old
September 15, 2024 – June 8, 2025
Enrollment Now Open
Continue reading below for more details about each class.
SUNDAY Arabic Language Classes in Springfield, VA
September 15, 2024 – June 8, 2025
Enrollment Now Open
EVERY SUNDAY from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Tuition: $250 per month
REGISTRATION FEE: $100.00 (new students only)
MATERIAL FEE: $150.00 (books, educational supplies, etc.)
SIBLING Discount: 10% OFF for second and third child
MILITARY Discount: 5% OFF
NOTE: Discounts are not to be combined.

SUNDAY Spanish Language Classes in Springfield, VA
September 15, 2024 – June 8, 2025
Enrollment Now Open
EVERY SUNDAY from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Tuition: $250 per month
REGISTRATION FEE: $100.00 (new students only)
MATERIAL FEE: $150.00 (books, educational supplies, etc.)
SIBLING Discount: 10% OFF for second and third child
MILITARY Discount: 5% OFF
NOTE: Discounts are not to be combined.

Our teachers bring their passion for other lands and people to their classes. Lango’s students learn about the richness of other cultures, typically increasing their interest in speaking their new language.
The Spanish language is a Latin based language, developed in the Iberic peninsula from (common) vulgar Latin, after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The first texts in what is today recognizable as Spanish were written in Castile in the fourteenth century.
It was brought into the Americas by the Spanish conquistadors who conquered all the territories from Mexico to Argentina, but Spanish is also used in countries from Oceania, Africa, and also The Philippines
Today, there are almost 500 million people in the world who use Spanish as their native language, many of them living in the US. Knowing Spanish enables your kids not only to communicate with other kids but also grants access to a rich culture, from literature to theatre and fine art, from television to cinema and multimedia creations.
The Arabic language was born in the first four centuries AD in a geographical area situated east of Lebanon, to Mesopotamia, and south towards the Sinai Peninsula. It is a mixture of old and modern words and phrases and it was for almost 1,000 years, until the fourteenth century a language of poetry, mathematics and philosophy, that influenced many European languages.
In our days, Arabic is the language spoken by almost 320 million people in all Arab countries, which is in the north of Africa, the Middle East, and the Arab peninsula. Very important to know is that Arabic is the language of the Muslim religion, so it is heard by almost 1.8 billion worshippers over the world. It is also an official language at the UN.
Knowing Arabic means to better understand an important part of the world’s habits and way, and also to access an old and important culture that flourished in the Middle Ages.
We believe in a learning process based on demonstrating to the kids that a language is alive, like an organism that responds to our inquiries and exploration. We start by speaking, singing, and playing, and then go to more complex aspects of the languages. The children don’t have textbooks but adventure books, that help them discover the languages and engage directly in the learning process, initially without any emphasis on the higher aspects of learning a language,
The main goal of our courses is that, after one year, kids can speak and listen to a language, understanding the basic words and phrases. We want to make them understand the language quite well, but also to have notions about writing.
We are often told by the parents that our classes improve the general school results of kids and also that they become more interested in other cultures, being more tolerant and more inquisitive.